SmartObject Association Wizard

SmartObject Association Wizard - Wizard Navigation

Associations can be configured between different SmartObjects and/or between processes and SmartObjects.

The K2 SmartObject Association Wizard configures mappings between the current SmartObject's properties or process and the properties of other SmartObjects and in so doing a relationship is built between various SmartObjects. When 2 SmartObjects are associated the SmartObject Association wizard will guide the user through the process, editing the SmartObject to add a foreign key field(s). If required the wizard will create a SmartBox Service Object to hold a foreign key and the mapping of methods to make use of this data. The K2 SmartObject Association Wizard can be accessed by clicking on Associations in the K2 SmartObject tab, then clicking Add in the Add SmartObject Association screen.

The shortcut for creating a new association is Ctrl+Shift+A

The following sections detail the specific steps involved with each step.

  SmartObject Association Wizard - Welcome SmartObject Association Wizard - Association Details Reference - SmartObject Association Wizard - Association Details (Process only) Linked SmartObject Property Choose Association Type Automatic Settings Association Method Mapping Association Mappings SmartObject Association Wizard - Finished
Wizard Steps What it is


Starts the SmartObject Association Wizard

Association Details

Select the SmartObject and the relationship required for the association

Association Details (Process only)

This screen is only applicable if a SmartObject is associated with a process and requires the user to select the SmartObject property to bind to the current process data fields.

Linked SmartObject Properties (Many to Many relationship)

Allows the configuration of the SmartObject created as a result of a Many to Many relationship

Choose Association Type (SmartObjects only)

Select between automatic and manual association

Automatic Settings (Automatic mapping only)

Create the new associating property and service object

Association Method Mapping (Automatic mapping only)

Create a mapping between the SmartObject properties

Association Mappings (Manual mapping only)

Create a mapping between the SmartObject properties


Displays a graphical representation of the association



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)